= 0.3.6 = * FIXED: WooCommerce minicart stay opened above the page. = 0.3.5 = * UPDATED: Remove deprecated functions. * UPDATED: WooCommerce template files. = 0.3.4 = * NEW: Add site title & tagline color. * NEW: Add the options Disable Header Top, Main, Bottom. * NEW: Use builder v2 for default, and keep support v1. * IMPROVED: Color picker. * FIXED: Out of date templates for WooCommerce * FIXED: Header Menu Sidebar not close when click outside on iOS. = 0.3.3 = * UPDATED: Author & Documentation URL. = 0.3.2 = * IMPROVED: Site content widget title color. = 0.3.1 = * NEW: Add Widget Title typography. See in Customize => Typography => Base. * IMPROVED: Dismiss link for copy settings from parent theme to child theme box. * FIXED: Position of the 'Lost your password' link on WooCommerce Account page. * FIXED: The Related Posts excerpt. * FIXED: The image alignment in post/page content. = 0.3.0 = * FIXED: Fix break layout for WooCommerce v3.6.1. * FIXED: Incorrect hook name. * FIXED: Row space need to be the same as content. * FIXED: Menu burger not working with IE11/Edge. * FIXED: Button color issue. * FIXED: Hamburger/mobile icon menu not working iOS9. * FIXED: Header v2 does not work with Header Sticky & Transparent. * FIXED: Missing margin left for sub-ul in post/page content. * FIXED: Remove compatible Gutenberg background. = 0.2.9 = * NEW: Header Builder version 2. * NEW: Child theme copy the Customizer settings. * IMPROVED: Better RTL support. * IMPROVED: Rename builder item `Logo & Site Identity` to `Logo`. * FIXED: The Primary Menu typography does not work with menu in Menu Sidebar. * FIXED: Change the logo alt text. * FIXED: Shop button color setting does not work. * FIXED: Multiple header does not work with shortcode has arguments. * FIXED: Hamburger/mobile icon menu not working iOS9. * FIXED: Menu burger not working with IE11/Edge. * FIXED: Escape input placeholder attribute. = 0.2.8 = * FIXED: Breadcrumb alignment. * FIXED: Breadcrumb alignment. * FIXED: Gutenberg compatible. * FIXED: Update WooCommerce outdate templates. * FIXED: Can't zoom on Chrome mobile browser. * FIXED: Seach icon box issue. = 0.2.7 = * FIXED: Issue do not copy parent menu to submenu. * FIXED: Issue Heading H1 does not apply for entry post title. = 0.2.6 = * NEW: Support WordPress 5.0. * NEW: Support Gutenberg. * NEW: Remove jQuery. * NEW: Add support for yoast primary term. * FIXED: Fix Shopping cart in header not including tax in amount #204. = 0.2.5 = * NEW: Add class to check touch screen. * NEW: Add license file. * IMPROVED: Improved customize controls. * IMPROVED: Coding standards. * FIXED: Fix issue wrong trim product content by more tag. * FIXED: Fix missing single post pagination. * FIXED: Full blog post content for post excerpt type. = 0.2.4 = * NEW: Add related posts for single post. * NEW: WooCommerce product onsale bubble styling. * NEW: WooCommerce custom short description length when shop page is list view. * IMPROVED: Improved blog posts page. * IMPROVED: Improved search results page. * FIXED: Fix issue site title HTML tag name. = 0.2.3 = * NEW: Apply the product category thumbnail as page cover image. * IMPROVED: Footer widget border color on dark mode. * IMPROVED: Default sub-navigation font size. * IMPROVED: Shop attributes table style. * FIXED: Blog meta post is hidden on posts listing page. = 0.2.2 = * NEW: Add more theme hooks. * NEW: Add Arial standard font. * IMPROVED: Improved WooCommerce cart page. * IMPROVED: Improved WooCommerce checkout page. * IMPROVED: Improved WooCommerce product media styling. * IMPROVED: Improved WooCommerce widgets. * IMPROVED: Improved post type meta-box. * IMPROVED: Improved primary navigation style. * IMPROVED: Improved Default widgets. * IMPROVED: Improved single post #173. * IMPROVED: Improved admin dashboard and add changelog menu. * FIXED: Incorrect single product layout. * FIXED: Menu item scroll to section on mobile #172. = 0.2.1 = * IMPROVED: Revert styling settings for header rows. * IMPROVED: Improve toggle mobile menu. * FIXED: Fix issue header row background image not showing. = 0.2.0 = * NOTES: This is a major update with new features and Customizer settings re-structure, if you see any visual changes on the site front-end please go to the Customizer to update options. * NEW: Skin modes for header and footer rows. * NEW: [Header Builder] New shopping cart builder item. * NEW: WooCommerce integration. * NEW: WooCommerce: Product Catalog Designer. * NEW: WooCommerce: Single product settings. * NEW: Add Select2 for typography font families. * NEW: Add layout setting for Title-bar and Breadcrumb. * NEW: Add Biography item for single blog post. * NEW: Add option to always load font awesome. * NEW: Add filter for header inner class. * NEW: Add option to change preview url when section/panel open. * NEW: Add alignment settings for mobile sidebar. * IMPROVED: Default styling. * IMPROVED: Header search form and search modal form. * IMPROVED: Primary navigation style. * IMPROVED: Nav menu icon. * IMPROVED: Update color picker support placeholder. * IMPROVED: Auto CSS - Do not use background settings if no background image selected. * FIXED: Issue menu item does not jump to that section ID on mobile #117 * FIXED: Default metabox value for special pages #135 * REMOVED: Menu Icon default padding. = 0.1.2 = * NEW: Support Elementor 2.0 * IMPROVED: Improve typography selectors. * IMPROVED: Menu navigation. * FIXED: Error on PHP version under 5.6.20 #116 * FIXED: Mobile menu can't click #108 = 0.1.1 = * NEW: Option sidebar settings for custom post types. * NEW: Body background settings. * NEW: Hook for singular post type content. * NEW: Option settings to hide the page title in header cover and tagline. * NEW: Add content styling. * IMPROVED: Increase the submenu z-index to 99. * IMPROVED: Improve core api. * FIXED: Single post cover image didn't show when homepage displays as latest posts. * FIXED: Single post title issue. * FIXED: Duplicate Menu ID in W3C Validate. = 0.1.0 = * NEW: Option to display post excerpt. * NEW: Option to hide post media. * NEW: Layout settings for footer items. * NEW: Body background settings. * IMPROVED: Styling config. * IMPROVED: Styling sidebar search form. * FIXED: post type layout issue. = 0.0.9 = * IMPROVED: Improve dashboard CSS style. * IMPROVED: Update new primary color. * IMPROVED: Update theme screenshot to matching the default setting. * FIXED: Mobile menu icon color issue. * ADD: Recommend plugins. = 0.0.8 = * UPDATED: Improve theme setting copy, ready for translation. = 0.0.7 = * Release!