@function ms-function($v: 0, $base: false, $ratio: false, $thread: false, $settings: $modularscale) {

  // Parse settings
  $ms-settings: ms-settings($base,$ratio,$thread,$settings);
  $base: nth($ms-settings, 1);
  $ratio: nth($ms-settings, 2);

  // Render target values from settings.
  @if unit($ratio) != '' {
    $ratio: ms-target($ratio,$base)

  // Fast calc if not multi stranded
  @if(length($base) == 1) {
    @return ms-round-px(ms-pow($ratio, $v) * $base);

  // Create new base array
  $ms-bases: nth($base,1);

  // Normalize base values
  @for $i from 2 through length($base) {
    // initial base value
    $ms-base: nth($base,$i);
    // If the base is bigger than the main base
    @if($ms-base > nth($base,1)) {
      // divide the value until it aligns with main base.
      @while($ms-base > nth($base,1)) {
        $ms-base: $ms-base / $ratio;
      $ms-base: $ms-base * $ratio;
    // If the base is smaller than the main base.
    @elseif ($ms-base < nth($base,1)) {
      // pump up the value until it aligns with main base.
      @while $ms-base < nth($base,1) {
        $ms-base: $ms-base * $ratio;
    // Push into new array
    $ms-bases: append($ms-bases,$ms-base);

  // Sort array from smallest to largest.
  $ms-bases: ms-sort($ms-bases);

  // Find step to use in calculation
  $vtep: floor($v / length($ms-bases));
  // Find base to use in calculation
  $ms-base: round(($v / length($ms-bases) - $vtep) * length($ms-bases)) + 1;

  @return ms-round-px(ms-pow($ratio, $vtep) * nth($ms-bases,$ms-base));