=== WooCommerce Admin === Contributors: woocommerce, automattic Tags: ecommerce, e-commerce, store, sales, reports, analytics, dashboard, activity, notices, insights, stats, woo commerce, woocommerce Requires at least: 5.4.0 Tested up to: 5.7.0 Requires PHP: 7.0 Stable tag: 2.2.7 License: GPLv3 License URI: https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin/blob/main/license.txt == Description == WooCommerce Admin is a new JavaScript-driven interface for managing your store. The plugin includes new and improved reports and a dashboard to monitor key metrics of your site. **New Reports for WooCommerce** WooCommerce Admin has a host of new reports that are optimized for speed and have advanced filters that allow you to dive into data about your store: - Revenue Report - Orders Report - Products Report - Variations Report - Categories Report - Coupons Report - Taxes Report - Downloads Report - Stock Report - Customers Report **Customizable Dashboard** WooCommerce Admin also allows store owners to customize a new dashboard screen with “performance indicators” that correspond in importance to their store’s operation. == Getting Started == = Minimum Requirements = * WordPress 5.4 * WooCommerce 4.8 or greater * PHP version 7.0 or greater. PHP 7.2 or greater is recommended * MySQL version 5.0 or greater. MySQL 5.6 or greater is recommended Visit the [WooCommerce server requirements documentation](https://docs.woocommerce.com/document/server-requirements/) for a detailed list of server requirements. = Automatic installation = Automatic installation is the easiest option, as WordPress handles the file transfers and you don't need to leave your web browser. To perform an automatic install: 1. Log in to your WordPress dashboard. 2. Go to: Plugins > Add New. 3. Enter “WooCommerce Admin” in the Search field, and view details about its point release, the rating and description. 4. Select “Install Now” when you’re ready. = Manual installation = The manual installation method involves downloading the plugin and uploading it to your web server via your favorite FTP application. The WordPress Codex contains instructions at [Manual Plugin Installation](https://codex.wordpress.org/Managing_Plugins#Manual_Plugin_Installation). = Where can I report bugs or contribute to the project? = Bugs should be reported in the [WooCommerce Admin GitHub repository](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin/). = This is awesome! Can I contribute? = Yes, you can! Join our [GitHub repository](https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-admin/) Release and roadmap notes are available on the [WooCommerce Developers Blog](https://woocommerce.wordpress.com/category/wc-admin/) == Screenshots == 1. WooCommerce Admin Dashboard 2. Activity Panels 3. Analytics == Changelog == == 2.2.6 5/7/2021 == - Fix: Address an issue with OBW when installing only WooCommerce payments and Jetpack. #6957 == 2.2.5 5/7/2021 == - Fix: Calling of get_script_asset_filename with extra parameter #6955 == 2.2.4 5/7/2021 == - Dev: Fix a bug where trying to load an asset registry causes a crash. #6951 == 2.2.3 5/6/2021 == - Dev: Do a git clean before the core release. #6945 == 2.2.2 4/28/2021 == - Fix: Disable the continue btn on OBW when requested are being made #6838 - Tweak: Revert WCPay international support for bundled package #6901 - Tweak: Store profiler - Changed MailPoet's title and description #6886 - Tweak: Update PayU logo #6829 == 2.2.0 3/30/2021 == - Fix: Check if features are currently being enabled #6688 - Add: Next new novel navigation nudge note #6610 - Fix: Fix the activity panel toggle not closing on click #6679 - Tweak: Add default value for contains op #6622 - Fix: Fix use of feature checks and remove deprecated method calls #6687 - Dev: Close activity panel tabs by default and track #6566 - Dev: Update undefined task name properties for help panel tracks #6565 - Fix: Allow the manager role to query certain options #6577 - Dev: Refactor profile wizard benefits step and add tests #6583 - Fix: Delete customer data on network user deletion #6574 - Fix: Fix Themes step visibility in IE 11 #6578 - Fix: Fix hidden menu title on smaller screens #6562 - Fix: Add gross sales column to CSV export #6567 - Dev: Add filter to profile wizard steps #6564 - Tweak: Adjust targeting store age for the Add First Product note #6554 - Tweak: Improve WC Shipping & Tax logic #6547 - Tweak: Update Insight inbox note content #6555 - Dev: Add nav intro modal tests #6518 - Dev: Use wc filter to get status tabs for tools category #6525 - Tweak: Remove mobile activity panel toggle #6539 - Dev: Add nav header component tests #6509 - Add: Add legacy report items to new navigation #6507 - Dev: Add initial tests for navigation Menu class #6492 - Dev: Remove active item from navigation store #6486 - Dev: Add navigation container tests #6464 - Add: Add preview site button on the appearance task #6457 - Fix: Add check for navigating being enabled. #6462 - Dev: Add nav favorite button tests #6446 - Dev: Add a changelog lint check to PRs. #6414 - Dev: Add navigation favorites tests #6409 - Fix: Move the shipping input and text 1px lower. #6408 - Dev: support use of Array.flat in client and packages. #6411 - Fix: Correct the Klarna slug #6440 - Tweak: Refactor autoloader to remove global variable. #6412 - Dev: Deprecate Onboarding::has_woocommerce_support. #6401 - Fix: Broken link anchors to online documentation. #6455 - Dev: Add Dependency Extraction Webpack Plugin #5762 - Dev: Add client-side filter for Navigation rootBackUrl #6505 - Add: Back button to go to home screen from tasks in the task list. #6397 - Fix: Update payment card style on mobile #6413 - Fix: Missing i18n in Welcome modal. #6456 - Fix: Restore visual styles back to Analytics tabs. #5913 - Add: Add a "rather not say" option to revenue in the profile wizard. #6475 - Fix: Update contrast and hover / active colors for analytics dropdown buttons #6504 - Dev: Remove `items_purchased` and `account_type` props from onboarding profile API. #6520 - Dev: Added warning when WC-Admin is active but not being used #6453 - Fix: Associated Order Number for refunds was hidden #6428 - Add: Remove Mollie promo note on install #6510 - Add: Remote Inbox Notifications rule to trigger when WooCommerce Admin is upgraded. #6040 - Dev: Store profiler - Added MailPoet to Business Details step #6503 - Dev: Store profiler - Added MailPoet to new Business Details step #6515 - Dev: Add tilde (~) to represent client root directory for imports. #6517 - Fix: Fix issue where Loader::is_admin_page() would error if WooCommerce admin is disabled. #6563 - Add: CES survey for search product, order, customer #6420 - Add: CES survey for importing products #6419 - Add: CES survey for adding product categories, tags, and attributes #6418 - Add: Additional analytics tracking for the business details step. #6575 - Add: Include tracking for mail poet installs in the selective bundle install #6603 - Dev: Add script automation for gathering hooks and filters. #6454 - Fix: Correct a bug where the JP connection flow would not happen when installing JP in the OBW. #6521 - Dev: Add TypeScript and page objects to the E2E test suite. #6582 - Dev: Introduce Typescript to Navigation utils #6477 - Add: Paystack payment provider to several african countries. #6579 - Dev: Payments task: include Mercado Pago #6572 - Dev: Ensure script asset.php files are included in builds #6635 - Fix: Show management links when the task list is complete (even if its not hidden). #6657 - Fix: Adding New Zealand and Ireland to selective bundle option, previously missed. #6649 - Fix: Update the Mercado option used for enabling/disabling. #6677 - Dev: Ensure production script asset names don't include .min suffix #6681 - Fix: Improve AddFirstProduct email note contents. #6617 == 2.1.3 3/14/2021 == - Feature: Increase target audience for business feature step. #6508 - Fix: Correct a bug where the JP connection flow would not happen when installing JP in the OBW. #6521 - Fix: Add customer name column to CSV export #6556 == 2.1.2 3/10/2021 == - Fix: Add guard to "Deactivate Plugin" note handlers to prevent fatal error. #6532 - Fix: Crash of Analytics > Settings page when Gutenberg is installed. #6540 == 2.1.1 3/4/2021 == - Fix: Restore missing Correct the Klarna slug #6440 == 2.1.0 3/4/2021 == - Dev: Allow highlight tooltip to use body tag as parent. #6309 - Dev: Remove Google fonts and material icons. #6343 - Add: Remove CES actions for adding and editing a product and editing an order #6355 - Dev: Add filter to allow enabling the WP toolbar within the new navigation. #6371 - Dev: Add unit tests to Navigation's Container component. #6344 - Fix: Enqueue scripts called incorrectly in php unit tests #6358 - Fix: Removed @woocommerce/components/card from OBW #6374 - Fix: Email notes now are turned off by default #6324 - Add: CES track settings tab on updating settings #6368 - Fix: Top bar slightly overlaps wp-admin navigation on mobile #6292 - Fix: Hide tooltip in welcome modal #6142 - Fix: update single column home screen width to 680px #6297 - Fix: Recommended Payment Banner missing in Safari #6375 - Tweak: Order and styles updates to nav footer #6373 - Enhancement: Move capability checks to client #6365 - Tweak: Enqueue beta features scripts on enqueue_scripts action instead of filter #6358 - Enhancement: Navigation: Add test to container component #6344 - Fix: Empty nav menu #6366 - Enhancement: override wpbody styles when nav present #6354 - Fix: Check if tax was successfully added before displaying notice #6229 - Fix: Update timing of InboxPanel state changes for the unread indicator #6246 - Tweak: Set `is_deleted` from the database when instantiating a `Note` #6322 - Tweak: New Settings: Turn off in dev mode #6348 - Add: Favorites tooltip to the navigation #6312 - Fix: Display" option fails to collapse upon invoking "Help" option #6233 - Enhancement: Move favorited menu items to primary menu #6290 - Dev: Use box sizing and padding to fix nav and admin menu styling #6335 - Tweak: Update inline documentation for navigation Screen class #6173 - Tweak: Remove categories without menu items #6329 - Add: Core settings redirection to new settings pages #6091 - Add: Settings feature and pages #6089 - Add: Settings client pages #6092 - Add: Favoriting extensions client UI #6287 - Dev: Refactor head and body heights #6247 - Fix: Removal of core settings pages #6328 - Dev: Fix the react state update error on homescreen. #6320 - Tweak: Navigation: Migrate methods to `admin_menu` hook #6319 - Tweak: Move admin menu manipulation from admin_head to admin_menu #6310 - Tweak: Updates to copy and punctuation to be more conversational and consistent. #6298 - Dev: Change `siteUrl` to `homeUrl` on navigation site title #6240 - Dev: Add navigation favorites data store #6275 - Add: Add navigation intro modal. #6367 - Fix: Fix double prefixing of full navigation URLs #6460 - Fix: Reset Navigation submenu before making Flyout #6396 - Dev: Add a changelog lint check to PRs. #6414 - Fix: Move the shipping input and text 1px lower. #6408 - Add: WC Admin Docker setup with WP-ENV == 2.0.3 03/10/2021 == - Fix: Crash of Analytics > Settings page when Gutenberg is installed. #6540 == 2.0.2 25/05/2021 == - Fix: Correct the Klarna slug #6440 == 2.0.0 02/05/2021 == - Tweak: Bump minimum supported version of PHP to 7.0. #6046 - Fix: allow for more terms to be shown for product attributes in the Analytics orders report. #5868 - Tweak: update the content and timing of the NeedSomeInspiration note. #6076 - Fix: Add support for a floating-point number as a SummaryNumber's delta. #5926 - Add: new inbox message - Getting started in Ecommerce - watch this webinar. #6086 - Add: Remote inbox notifications contains comparison and fix product rule. #6073 - Update: store deprecation welcome modal support doc link #6094 - Enhancement: Allowing users to create products by selecting a template. #5892 - Dev: Add wait script for mysql to be ready for phpunit tests in docker. #6185 - Update: Homescreen layout, moving Inbox panel for better interaction. #6122 - Dev: Remove old debug code for connecting to Calypso / Wordpress.com. #6097 - Tweak: Adjust the Marketing note not to show until store is at least 5 days. #6083 - Add: Task list payments - include Mollie as an option. #6257 - Tweak: Refactored extended task list. #6081 - Fix: Fixed the Add First Product email note checks. #6260 - Fix: Onboarding - Fixed "Business Details" error. #6271 - Enhancement: Use the new Paypal payments plugin for onboarding. #6261 - Fix: Show management links when only main task list is hidden. #6291 - Dev: Allow highlight tooltip to use body tag as parent. #6309 - Add: Allow users to install the PayU plugin in the payments setup task. #6332 - Fix: Persist the enabling of plugins in the payments setup task. #6332 == 1.9.0 1/15/2021 == - Fix: Add Customer Type column to the Orders report table. #5820 - Fix: Product exclusion filter on Orders Report. - Fix: Typo in Variation Stats DataStore context filter value. - Fix: support custom attributes in Attribute advanced report filter. - Fix: Don't show Stock and Reviews Homescreen panels too early. - Tweak: Remove deprecated use of Jetpack in shipping label banner. #5929 - Fix: Undefined $collate variable when database does not have collation capability. #5992 - Tweak: Remove visit_count from track, and update task count logic. #5996 - Fix: Moved certified owner label for review to title. ##5877 - Fix: Move collapsible config to panels object, to allow for more control. #5855 - Enhancement: Show Help panel tooltip when user visits unfinished task more then once. #5826 - Tweak: Fix inconsistent REST API paramater name for customer type filtering. - Enhancement: Tasks extensibility in Home Screen. #5794 - Enhancement: Add page parameter to override default wc-admin page in Navigation API. #5821 - Fix: Invalidate product count if the last product was updated in the list. #5790 - Fix: Updating (non wordpress user) customer with order data - Dev: Add documentation for filter `woocommerce_admin_pages_list` and `wc_admin_register_page` #5844 - Dev: Revert work done in #4857 for automated shipping after OBW is completed #5971 - Add: Welcome modal when coming from Calypso #6004 - Enhancement: Add an a/b experiment for installing free business features #5786 - Dev: Add `onChangeCallback` feature to the wc-admin